公交IC卡打卡机-公交卡刷卡机-公交扣费机 Bus IC card punching machine - bus passes this device - bus deduction machine 主要体现在: 1、刷卡时间短,支付快捷,可方便落实**各项便民政策(老年人、学生等给予乘车优惠政策)。方便了乘客支付,减少乘客乘车准备零钱的不便。 2、通过企业员工卡、司机卡的使用,提供一套人员考核方法,提*勤和出车管理的效率。 3、通过收费系统完善的自动化统计功能,及时掌握客流情况,科学合理调度而创造效益,及时为企业和**的各项决策提供依据。便携带、数钱找零费时费力、真假钞票难以分辨、票款结算易出差错等诸多问题; 4、减轻排队之苦和减小客户现金被抢、盗的风险,避免服务被终止的尴尬及突破时空限制和异地收款。 Mainly reflects in: 1, charge time is short, quick payment, easy to implement the policies for the convenience of government preferential policies (such as the elderly, students give rides). Convenient for passengers to pay, to reduce the passenger train ready to change for the inconvenience. 2, through the use of enterprise staff card, driver card, provide a set of personnel assessment methods, improve the efficiency of attendance record and management of the car. 3, by charging system perfect automation statistics function, timely grasp the traffic situation, scientific and reasonable scheduling and create benefit, timely provide a basis for the enterprise and the government decision-making. To carry, are counting money change time-consuming, true and false banknotes are difficult to distinguish, fare clearing is easy to make mistakes, and many other issues; 4, alleviate the suffering of the queue and reduce the customer was robbed of cash and the risk of theft, avoid ? *****《质量保证:三个月内包换,一年内免费维修, 终身维护服务》***** 我司长期供应公交非接触性智能IC卡系统,可根据客户需求量身定做适合其真正发展需求的系统方案。 系统包括:IC卡车载收费机,IC售卡器,IC卡增值器,IC卡(管理卡,乘客卡),车载电源以及后台管理系统。公交IC卡打卡机-公交卡刷卡机-公交扣费机